Hiking 1-29

Hike 1 - Hike 2- hike 3 - hike 4 - hike 5 - hike 6 - hike 7 - hike 8 - hike 9 - hike 10 - hike 11 - hike 12 - hike 13 -

hike 14 - hike 15 - hike 16 - hike 17- hike 18 - hike 19 - hike20 - hike 21 - hike22 - hike 23 -hike 24 - hike 25

hike26 - hike 27 - hike 28 - hike 29

1- west stockbrige MA 2- philmont NY 3- ghent NY 4 - ghent NY 5- chatham NY

6- chatham ny 7- chatham NY 8- chatham NY 9- redrock NY 10- old chatham NY 11 - austerlitz NY

12 - Delmar NY 13 - hudson NY 14 - spencertown NY 15- hudson NY 16- new lebanon NY

17- new lebanon NY 18- stockport NY 19- great barrington MA 20- copake NY 21- stuyvesant NY

22- catskill NY 23- chatham NY 24- ghent/harlemville NY 25- styvasent NY 26- styvasent NY

27- hyde park NY 28 hyde park NY 29-claverack NY

I did go hiking recently but did not make it to the top and the map they had of the hike was hard to read for me and i learned my lesson to bring water on bigger hikes if i decided to do a big hike. the hike was to Mount Washington in MA..