Yard & Estate Sales

For people that know me, I am a big fan of going to sales and am always online seeing when and where they are. I wanted to create a post about them to help other people. If it where to find sales or if you want to hire someone to run a sale for you or yourself. I have helped run sales as well as attend.

For finding a sale I recommend these resources.

estatesales.net also have an app

Yard sale treasure map- this is an app


garage sale map gsalr.com - this is an app


Local FB groups as well as local yard sale groups

There may be other sites I have missed but these are the main ones

bidbuyget - auction site ( they buy and sell)

liveauctioneers- Auction house searcher

auctionninja -estate sale auctions

For promoting or to find someone to run your sale

Yard sale treasure map- this is an app ( you can list a sale on the app)

craigslist.org ( you can create a post)

estatesales.net also have an app ( you can find local estate sale services)

yardsales.net you can advertise your sale on this site

Local FB groups as well as local yard sale groups

There may be other sites I have missed but these are the main ones

bidbuyget - Auction house

liveauctioneers- Auction house searcher

auctionninja - estate sale auctions

Some tips if you're going to have your own sale

Have 3 boxes, one being $1 another being $5 and the last being $10, and have different collected stickers for each, to make things easier.

The last day of the sale is usually 50% or so for everything or close to everything but does not have to be.

Double-check the rooms and items to make sure there is nothing personal or family-related you want to keep.

If you have prices that you have found online, I would suggest you try to sell it online, when people go to sales they are looking for deals and not retail prices. If you're going to go off online prices go around 30-50%+ less more off of the online price.

The first and or last day of the sale have a free section to help get rid of stuff and bring people to the sale.

Expect there to be at least 3+ people to show up an hour or so before the sale even if you say no early birds they will wait at the end of the driveway waiting.

Put all personal things that are not for sale in a room with the door closed with a note on it as well as large items put a big note saying not for sale. Using caution tape is another idea.

Have cones/flags/signs for no parking and parking.

People will dig through stuff even if it is closed- so tape a not on it if you don't want anyone to open things.

When listing your sale online have photos of the whole sale or some items to help generate an interest in the sale.

If you dont want to bring stuff to the dump and want to donate or sell your stuff to local businesses. There are a good handful of those free libraries around as well as used book places in and around CC for any books. Also for any kind of home repair or replacement type things Columbia county habitat takes things. You can also see if local antique shops will also buy your stuff as well. Also theres other local organizations that will take donations and when you donate always ask for a tax form.

I am always looking for - Vintage photos/vintage prints and paintings/ art supplies/old documents/camera stuff and I like to find other things that are interesting to me.

I will also offer to help source things for and with people as well as upcycling.

The other option is sending photos to your local auction houses for the more valuable stuff or they may also take things that you may not think are valuable but they have clients for it and you being the seller get a commission for the last bidder. Here are some local Columbia County Auction Houses.

Fontaine's Heritage Auctions COPAKE AUCTION Meissner's Auction Service Old Kinderhook Auction Stair Galleries